
A story in progress by Knox @vanridgewayAll art belongs to either me, or the @alohasushicore picrew.


Existing on a parallel Earth, there are people known as "practitioners" who can perform magic. They do so mostly in secret to the world at large, as most people believe magic is simply a fairytale.Thousands of years ago the earth is ravaged by a Beast of Ruin, a monster that destroyed part of the planet and caused an apocalypse ("the Great Ruin"). It was stopped by god (or gods, depending on what religion youre a part of) and the planet was saved.Now, millennia later, a group called the Lunae are determined to summon this Beast of Ruin again. Disillusioned by the current state of the world, they want to cleanse it.The belito, a quasi military like group formed by Solanum Emenitia ("the Sun's Eminence" or the Church of the Sun God) is actively against the Lunae and are trying to stop them. They're full of strong practitioners.The longer the fight goes on, the more distressing things begin to happen. Non-belito practitioners are attacked and drained of their energy, while others begin to act wildly and suffer disfigurement after their attack.Our main players, practitioners from different walks of life, become unknowingly intertwined with the world ending plot. With no other choice, they use their powers to fight, to learn, and to protect.




Supporting cast

Khris Bradford

31 years • they/he

A serious, dependable individual, Khris often falls into leadership roles whether they want to or not. They are a strong magic practitioner, and their position as a lieutenant within the Belito leads to many fights, as well as many opportunities for vigilante justice. Has many acquaintances despite their initially stoic disposition.

Kiara Bradford

15 years • She/they

A naturally kind and cheerful person, often admired/beloved by her peers. She's appreciated by others for her helpfulness, though her naivety leads to them stressing out over others' problems.

Mali Lancaster

27 years • they/she

An easy-going, charismatic person— they easily draw people in, but are pretty difficult to get close or intimate with. Fiercely loyal to their friends and loved ones, they are not afraid to fight off threats. They are prone to daydreaming, and have many worries about the future. Lives with their current partner, Saphir. Works in their mother's magic based shop.

Saphir Porter

27 years • he/they

A quiet, but calculating person. Is generally agreeable to talk with and be around, but can be very difficult to read. Keeps emotions to himself, but is not afraid to speak opinions if asked. Confident, and acts like it. Likes reading and has a vast knowledge of history. Lives with his current partner, Mali.

Diva Baudelaire

32 years • she/her

A person who knows her own worth, maybe to a fault. She believes she is owed the world, as perfect and majestic as she is. People tend to flock to her, for her outward personality is giving and kind. On the inside, however, she can be unbearably cruel and judgemental, especially to her sister, Donna. Currently leading the Lunae.

Donna Baudelaire

27 • she/her

A stubborn person, Donna desires stability, both physical and emotional. Always fighting inner demons, as well as her siblings, she's prone to bouts of inferiority. Whenever she works she does so with a lazer focus, letting it distract her from her inner thoughts. A surprisingly kind, if not a little rude, person who has a small following within the Lunae.

Hananella "Nel" Walcott

30 years • he/she/they

A person who sometimes acts like an open book— emotionally expressive and honest, Nel knows what they do and do not want in life. Because of his unapologetic nature, people are often sucked into her ideas and plans. A good conversationalist and a sweet talker. They often get what they want. Unaffiliated with known groups.



A person whose past is shrouded in mystery. She is kind, but does not hesitate to speak her mind on issues. Calm in almost every situation, they come off as dependable and hardworking. Speaks in cryptic phrases and strange idioms. Invested in Lunae interests.



Cool under pressure, this is a man who gathers followers by being a strong, charismatic speaker. Focused strongly on his power as leader of the Incendi, a rising crime group. Loves to tease others, to an almost cruel degree. Very powerful practitioner.

Antoine Hartman

35 years • he/him

An earnest worker. He puts his all into both his work and his hobbies, which sometimes seem to overlap. Approaches new situations with skepticism, but once enough information has been gathered, he has no problem going with the flow. Khris' best friend.

Markus Wick

30 years • they/them

A very charming and energetic person, they find making friends and acquaintances quite easy. Prone to over-imagining things, they can seem flightly and all over the place, but still manages to ground themself when needed. A loyal friend. Ocassionally indecisive but overall a competent worker. A lieutenant in the belito.

Amanda Dabner

15 years • she/her

A methodical person, she wants to know the when, what, where, and why of everything she does. A bit nervous when things don't go as planned. Lover of plants and fashion. Kiara's best friend.

Theo Barnett

16 years • they/them

Stoic and often monotone, they are a person who possesses a lot of dry wit and sarcasm. Mischievous, with a penchant for causing trouble. Loves to tease both friends and enemies. A friend of Kiara.

Felicity Powers

32 years • she/her

A rather intense person to interact with, Felicity loves to live her way. Unafraid to speak her mind, and with a potty-mouth to boot, she typically gets called a mean girl. Though abrasive, she is fiercely loyal and protective of those she hold dear, and is often the first to go to bat over any injustice. Once you've gained her respect, she is a formidable ally. A member of the belito.

Alora Silvera

30 years • she/her

An elegant person who carries herself with grace. Although she is very kind hearted, she will not hesitate to come to blows for issues she believes in. A lover of plant life and biology. Mali's best friend.

Gail Marrie Austin

24 years • she/they

A very sweet person, she's often sensitive to the pains and plights of others. Wanting to be the best person they possibly be has led them on a journey of self discovery. They like cute things, and is a big fan of nature. A friend of Saphir's.

Andrew "Andi" Vickers

29 years • he/him

Mischevious and funny, this guy loves to be as uplifting as possible. Has a penchant for playing small tricks on friends, always done with good intentions. Isn't a practitioner, but often plays with those who are. Saphir's good friend.

Kimora Johnson

17 years • they/them

Mali's younger cousin. They are a very serious person, at times defiant towards those in charge. Very opinionated and prone to sarcasm. Still a budding practitioner, working in the Lancaster shop.


Beast of Ruin: A creature that once brought about an apocalypse to the planet millennia ago. Also known as “Lunaris.”Belito: A military-esque group of practitioners made up of all walks of life, all gathered secretly by the Church of Solanum.Church of Solanum: Colloquial phrasing for Solanum Emenitia, the religion that worships the god Solanum.Great Ruin: The apocalyptic event that occurred millennia ago.Lunae: A faith that worships the creature Lunaris, also known as “The Beast of Ruin.”Lunaris: A creature known as “The Beast of Ruin” in the Church of Solanum. Thought to have once brought an apocalypse to the planet millennia ago.Magic: The ability to absorb and manipulate energy. An innate ability that is available to nearly any living creature, in varying degrees.Potenta Vis: Means, “Potent Energy.” An energy naturally exuded by the planet. The basis for most magic.Practitioner: A person who practices magic.Solumnai: Members of Solanum Emenitia.Solanum: The god of the Sun. Worshipped by those who belong to the Church of Solanum.Solanum Emenitia: Means, “God’s Eminence.” A religion based upon the god Solanum. Also referred to as the Church of Solanum.Vitae vis: Means, “Vital Energy.” An energy naturally generated by living creatures. Is necessary for survival.


—Revolving Destiny—Follows the life of Khris Bradford, a lieutenant within the Belito. They somehow uncover the apocalyptic plot, and find themself trying to prevent it. Main storyline.— City of Secrets —Follows the life of Mali Lancaster, an unaffiliated practitioner. Working in a magic shop, they accidentally discover the world of underground magic crime. Secondary storyline.— The Forsaken Journey —Follows the life of Donna Baudelaire, a leading member of the Lunae. Uncovering the plot to bring back Lunaris and the Great Ruin. Secondary storyline.— Unfortunate Affairs —Follows the life of Kiara Bradford, an unaffiliated practitioner. She gets caught up in magical crime and drama. Supplemental storyline.— Matters Divulged —Follows the life of Keanu LaFontaine, a solumnai and practitioner. Deals with the church's inner workings. Supplemental storyline.— Ancestral Five —Follows the life of Cordelia LaFontaine, Solanum Emenitia's Oracle. Supplemental storyline.— Revelations —Follows the life of Hananella Walcott, a practitioner and magic crime villain. Supplemental storyline.